Available Positions: contact me be email!
PhD, European project PILLAR
PhD, ANR ORHID: full description here
PhD, ANR AHEAD (with ONERA): AI for hybrid simulation models in computational fluid dynamics
Post-doc, ANR ASTRAL: physcis and machine learning for SAR imagery
Phd, ANR Diamelex: uncertainty for deep and active learning
Post-doc, ANR Deeplomatics: multi-modal object detection and tracking
Associate Editor for
Transaction on Machine Learning Research (TMLR) journal
Area Chair for
NeurIPS ('24, '23, '22, '21, '20'),
CVPR ('25, '20),
ICLR ('23, '22, '21),
GdR IASIS workshops
- AI transfer in industry & clinics, March 2025
- Physcis and machine learning, June 2023
- Frugal learning in medical imaging, February 2022
- Explainable AI, October 2021
- Deep learning theory, June 2021
- Diagnosis & prognosis for COVID-19, January 2021
- Explainable AI, April 2021
- Self-supervised & unsupervised representation learning, June 2020
- Image analysis for COVID-19 patient care, May 2020
- AI initiatives for COVID-19 diagnosis, April 2020
- Deep learning theory, October 2019
- Detection and segmentation, June 2019
- Semi- and weakly-supervised learning, May 2019
- Machine learning for attribute extraction in teledetection, October 2018
- Reasoning and learning for signal and image processing, October 2018
- Knowledge and Semantics for computer vision, April 2018
- [Safety in AI], ETS Montreal, LIVIA lab, July 2024
- [Advanced deep learning], DLMI summer school, July 2024
- [Robustness in AI], Meta AI, April 2024
- [Time series forecasting], Time series and transfer learning workshop, October 2023
- [Robust and Hydrid ML], ILLS-DATAIA'23 workshop, May 2023
- [Medical transformers], Deep Imaging spring school, April 2023
- [Transformers in medical segmentation], SCAI-IDS workshop, March 2023
- [Hybrid dynamical systems], OceaniX AI chair, April 2022
- [Augmented physics], Fall ERE seminar at Stanford University, October 2021
- [Hybrid ML & physics], Imvia Lab scientific lab AI seminar, July 2021
- [Robust deep learning], MICS Lab AI seminar, Centrale Supelec, January 2020
- [Towards certification in deep learning], L2TI Lab scientific days, Villetaneuse, November 2019
- [Partial & semi Supervision], GdR ISIS workshop on weak supervision, Paris, May 2019
- [Beyond Full Supervision], DeepImaging Spring School, PRISMES LABEX, Lyon, April 2019
- [Deep Learning for Climate], AI & Climate Group, Sorbonne Université, Paris, January 2019
- [Missing Annotations for Semantic Segmentation], CFI Workshop, Reykjavik, July 2018
- [Weakly Supervised Learning], CRIStAL Lab, Image axis annual seminar, Lille, July 2018
- [Learning from incomplete annotations], CVPR Medical CV workshop, SLC, June 2018
- [Deep Learning for Healthcare], 1st BSG Congress, Clermont-Ferrand, April 2018
- [Machine Learning with multimodal data], TIM'17 seminar, DGA, Paris, July 2017
- [WSL of Deep Structured Models], LIRIS, Lyon, April 2016
- [Deep Learning for Medical Images], Hacking Health Camp, Strasbourg, March 2016
- [Deep Learning for Visual Recognition], Matlab Expo, Paris, June 2015
- [Representation Learning for Vision], GDRI Web Science, Toulouse, September 2014
- AI in surgical robotics, chirurgie e-novation, November 2024
- l'IA au chevet des robots chirurgicaux, CNRS Sciences informatiques, October 2024
- Reliablility in transportation, transition journal, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, October 2023
- Everything on deep learning, BPI, October 2023
- Frugal and sustainabile AI, Deep Imaging spring school, April 2023
- Apprentissage avec étiquettes incomplètes, la méthode scientifique, France Culture, April 2022
- Les avancées de l'apprentissage auto-supervisé, data analytics post, Mai 2021
- GRESTI'19 panel discussion on future of signal processing and AI , Lille, August 2019
PhD Committees
- 29/04/25: S. Murtaza, "Weakly Supervised Object Localization" (Reviewer), with
A.L. Koerich, M. Pederdoli, C. Desrosiers, E. Grangé
- 17/04/25: V. Mercier, "Multi-scale PINNs" (Examinor), with C. Lapeyre, S. Gratton.
- 28/03/25: I. Mikhailov, "Interactive Segmentation and its Use at Scale through Concurrent Annotation and Training" (Reviewer), with E. Angelini, A. Basarab, B. Chauveau, N. Bourdel, A. Bartoli.
- 15/01/25: H. Laurençon, "Foundation Vision-Language Models." (President),
with S. Canu, D. Picard, E. Fromond, H. Touvron, T. Wolf, M. Cord.
- 20/12/24: T. Monsel, "Deep Learning for partially observed dynamical systems." (Examinor),
with L. Maigri, B. Sanderse, C. Fiorini, P. Kidger, M. Mougeot.
- 17/12/24: W. Ndzimbong, "Recalage automatique des images échographiques 3D et tomodensitométriques du rein." (Supervisor), with S. Chambon, M. Sdika, A. Bartoli, T. Collins, A. Hostettler, D. George.
- 25/11/24: P. Marza, "Visual navigation and embodied-AI." (President), with I. Laptev,
G. Chalvatzaki, K. Alahari, O. Simonin, L. Matignon, C. Wolf.
- 05/11/24: N. Portal, "Segmentation et suivi temporel automatiques des cavités cardiaques en IRM dynamique." (Examiner), with O. Bernard, F. Meriaudeau, S. Treuillet, T. Dietenbeck, N. Katchenoura, C. Achard.
- 25/10/24: L. Fournier, "Parallelizable training in deep learning through local and distributed approaches." (President), with O. Beaumont, K. Alahari, E. Belilovski, S. Rivaud, E. Oyallon.
- 28/05/24: L. Calem, "Diverse trajectory forecasting in autonomous driving." (Supervisor),
with S. Canu, D. Picard, R. Tavenard, C. Achard, P. Pérez.
- 06/05/24: N. Painchaud, "Deep learning on manifolds for arterial hypertension in echocardiography." (Reviewer), with I. Bloch, G. Piella, P.M. Jodoin, P.Y. Courand, N. Duchateau, O. Bernard.
- 29/04/24: M. Cariel, "Generative models for complex visual data." (Reviewer),
with A. Soriano, J. Gall, D. Picard,S. Lathuliere, J. Verbeek.
- 19/04/24: Y. Zhu, "Human pose estimation in 3D for working environment." (Reviewer),
with H. Tabia, H. Kuehne, C. Achard, L. Meurisse, D. Picard.
- 20/03/24: E. Ramzi, "Robust image retrieval with deep learning." (Supervisor),
with D. Larlus, Y. Avrithis, H. Jegou, M. Cord, M. Crucianu, N. Audebert, C. Rambour.
- 19/03/24: E. Dadalto, "Improving AI reliability through OOD and misclassification detection."
(Examiner), with Y. Grandvalet, Y. Chevaleyre, F. D'Alché, N. Vayatis, F. Alberge, P. Piantanida.
- 15/03/24: I. Khalfaoui Hassani, "Dilated convolution with learnable spacings." (President),
with F. Yu, E. Neftci, G. Richard, S. Chambon, T. Masquelier.
- 26/01/24: S. Martin, "Variational methods for large-scale data problems in imaging." (Examiner),
with A. Pizurica, N. Pustelnick, F. Malgouyres, G. Steidl, I. Ben-Ayed, J.C. Pesquet.
- 25/01/24: E. Menier, "Deep learning and reduced order models for numerical simulations." (Examiner),
with A. Habrad, G. Rozza, P.S. Koutsourelakis, T. Sayadi, M. Yagoubi, L. Mathelin, M. Schoenauer.
- 21/12/23: L. Themyr, "Global context with transformers in 3D Medical Image Segmentation." (Supervisor), with C. Petitjean, O. Bernard, C. Desrosiers, D. George, T. Collins, A. Hostettler, C. Rambour.
- 19/12/23: J. Guo, "Machine learning in automated analysis of human aorta using innovative 4D flow MRI." (Examiner), with C. Petitjean, A. Lalande, O. Baledent, L. Sarry, T. Dientenceck, N. Kachenoura.
- 04/12/23: E. Meunier, "Unsupervised learning for motion segmentation and motion saliency in videos." (Reviewer), with P. Pérez, D. Cremers, E. Fromont, R. Fablet, R. Fraisse, P. Bouthemy.
- 10/10/23: A. Heitz, "Semantic segmentation of 3D computed tomography images using deep learning-based approach." (Reviewer), with I. Bloch, C. Wemmert, P.H. Conze, F. Heitz, L. Soler, V. Noblet, B. Naegel.
- 15/09/23: P. Wang, "Medical Image Segmentation Under Challenging Scenarios." (Reviewer),
with E. Granger, J. Doltz, M. Pedersoli, C. Zhang, C. Desrosiers.
- 10/07/23: R. Webster, "Evaluating Deep Image Generation through the Lens of Utility and Privacy." (President), with J. Digne, V. Lepetit, H. Jégou, J. Rabin, L. Simon, O. Lezoray.
- 07/07/23: J. Parekh, "Interpretable machine learning: application to image and audio classification." (Reviewer), with G. Montavon, A. Melis, C. Clavel, P. Pérez, S. Canu, F. D'Alché-Buc, P. Mozharovskyi.
- 03/04/23: D. Lohani, "Unsupervised deep learning of spatio-temporal representations for video."
(Reviewer), with F. Bremond, T. Chateau, C. Crispim, L. Robinault, L. Tougne.
- 31/03/23: C. Dancette, "Shortcut Learning in Visual Question Answering" (President),
with E. Fromont, C. Wolf, M. Rorhbach, D. Teney, M. Cord.
- 30/03/23: G. Heller, "Modèles d'apprentissage profond hiérarchiques et semi-supervisés sur systèmes embarqués pour l'agriculture intelligente" (Examiner),
with J. Chanussot, S. Ran, B. Lamiroy, M. Devanne, V. Vrabie, E. Perrin, C. Dussart.
- 29/03/23: Q. Bouniot, "Towards Few-Annotation Learning in Computer Vision: Application to Image Classification and Object Detection" (Reviewer),
with C. Hudelot, D. Larlus, D. Tuia, D. Filliat, A. Habrard, R. Audigier, A. Loesch.
- 30/01/23: M. Mezghanni, "Structural and Functional Learning for Industrial Design Automatization."
(Examiner), with V. Lepetit, F. Lafarge, L. Guibas, N. Mitra, M. Ovsjanikov, M. Boulkenafed.
- 09/12/22: H. Frezat, "Apprentissage de la dynamique sous-maille dans des modèles de turbulence idéalisés." (Reviewer), with G. Dubos, L. Zanna, E. Memin, G. Balarac, J. Lesommier, R. Fablet.
- 02/12/22: R. Paris, "Potential and challenges of reinforcement learning for flow control."
(President), with G. Rigas, L. Cordier, L. Mathelin, F. Hervy, S. Benddine, J. Dandois.
- 28/11/22: V. Besnier, "Safety of autonomous systems." (Reviewer), with I. Bloch, V. Fremont,
F. Guney, S. Ilic, A. Briot, A. Bursuc, A. Histache, D. Picard.
- 21/11/22: Z. Wu, "Depth attention for scene understanding." (Reviewer), with C. Wolf, D. Picard,
L. Chen, G. Allibert, C. Stoltz, C. Demonceaux.
- 17/10/22: R. Sun, "Content combination strategies for Image Classification." (Supervisor),
with C. Hudelot, F. Precioso, E. Fromont, H. Jégou, C. Achard, M. Cord.
- 29/09/22: H. Touvron, "Architectures and training for visual understanding." (President),
with G. Taylor, F. Fleuret, C. Schmid, A. Zisserman, M. Cord, H. Jégou.
- 29/04/22: E. Evain, "Deep learning motion estimation in ultrasound imaging: application to myocardial deformation quantification." (Reviewer), with C. Petitjean, I. Bloch, M. De Craene, R. Van Sloun, O.Bernard.
- 25/03/22: U. Aggarwal, "Active and incremental deep learning with class imbalanced data."
(President), with H. Azzag, I. Kannelos, F. Yger, A. Popescu, C. Hudelot.
- 23/03/22: J. Navarro, "Semi-supervised learning for large-scale Earth observation data understanding."
(President), with X. Zhu, D. Tuia, M. Chabert, F. Tobar, A. Boulch, B. Le Saux, S. Lefevre.
- 16/03/22: C. Corbière, "Robust deep learning for autonomous driving." (Supervisor),
with G. Taylor, S. Canu, F. d'Alche-Buc, A. Kendall, M. Cord, P. Pérez.
- 09/03/22: E. Dalsasso, "Deep Learning for SAR imagery: from denoising to scene understanding."
(Reviewer), with B. Le Saux, A. Almansa, C. Soussen, R. Balmer, L. Verdoliva, L. Denis, F. Tupin.
- 17/12/21: O. Petit, "Segmentation sémantique d'images médicales 3D par deep learning." (Supervisor),
with C. Petitjean, O. Bernard, D. Mateus, P. Coupé, C. Wolf, M. Crucianu, L. Soler.
- 14/12/21: S. Xu, "Transfer learning for material classification based on visual appearance
correspondences." (Examiner), with G. Csurka, M. Vanrell, J. Lang, D. Muselet, A. Trémeau.
- 10/12/21: P. Nguyen, "Extraction and Characterization of Spatial-Temporal Patterns in Videos." (President), with L. Tougne, A. Termier, N. Ragot, J. Mille, D. Li, D. Conte.
- 09/12/21: C. Kervadec, "Visual reasoning in deep learning." (Reviewer), with Z. Akata, C. Schmid,
D. Picard, G. Antipov, M. Baccouche, C. Wolf.
- 03/12/21: M. Etheve, "Apprentissage pour la résolution de problèmes répétés de PLNE." (Examiner),
with A. Lodi, B. Scherer, A. Parmentier, C. Bissuel, O. Juan, Z. Ales, S. Kedad.
- 30/11/21: V. Le Guen, "Deep learning for spatiotemporal forecasting: application to solar energy." (Supervisor), with G. Mori, P. Pérez, E. Fromont, E. Mémin, P. Blanc, P. Gallinari, S. Dubost.
- 10/11/21: M. Di Folco, "Statistical learning of the interactions between cardiac shape and deformation." (Examiner), with C. Desrosiers, M. Sermesant, P. Moceri, C. Lartizien, A. Lalande.
- 07/10/21: R. El Jurdi, "Prior-constrained Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Segmentation." (Reviewer), with D. Mateus, C. Achard, D. Cheplygina, C. Petitjean, P. Honeine, F. Abdallah.
- 08/07/21: G. Renton, "Analyzing and Improving Graph Neural Networks." (Examiner),
with J. Llados Canet, J.Y. Ramel, E. Fromont, L. Brun, B. Gauzere, P.Heroux, S. Adam.
- 10/06/21: A. Houdayer, "Planification des courses de plat au galop." (Examiner), with A. Rossi,
D. Quadri, O. Hudry, L. Bonnet, A. Plateau, E. Soutil, M-C. Costa.
- 29/05/21: F. Bardozzo, "Unsupervised deep learning for laparoscopic 3D depth estimation and surface reconstruction." (Reviewer), with E. Pasero, F. Carlo Morabito, C. Lopez-Molina, R. Tagliaferri.
- 28/05/21: P. Compagnon, "Sequence metric learning: application to human activity recognition."
(Reviewer), with O. Latifa, A. Douzal-Chouakria, A. Habrard, T. Chateau, S. Duffner, C. Garcia.
- 10/05/21: V. Sydorov, "Spatial attention for video understanding." (President), with
I. Laptev, M. Aubry, K. Alahari, C. Schmid.
- 03/05/21: T. Pham, "Apprentissage profond pour la détection de contours : application au suivi orthodontique par smartphone." (Reviewer), with J. Benois-Pineau, C. Achard, C. Vrain, Y. Lucas, S. Treuillet.
- 10/03/21: N. Mehrasa, "Towards event analysis in time-series data: asynchronous probabilistic models and learning from partial labels." (Reviewer), with M. Saava, P. Chilana, A. Chang, G. Mori.
- 22/01/21: P. Godet, "Approches par apprentissage pour l'estimation de mouvement multiframe en vidéo." (Reviewer), with P. Monasse, S. Bouchafa, D. Fillat, C. Mallet, P. Pérez, A. Boulch, A. Plyer, G. Le Besnerais.
- 18/12/20: P.E. Martin, "Fine-grained action detection with spatio-temporal convnets: application to table tennis." (Reviewer), with P. Radeva, K. Schoffmann, M. Larson, P. Desbrat, R. Peteri, J. Benois-Pineau.
- 17/12/20: H. Alqasir, "Deep learning for chairlift scene analysis: boosting generalization in multi-domain context." (Reviewer), with J. Van de Weijerp, R. Debusschere, M. Rombault, E. Fromont, D. Muslet, C. Ducottet.
- 14/12/20: M.M. Paumard, "Solving Jigsaw puzzles with deep learning." (Examiner), with A. Bugeau, V. Lepetit, V. Kalogeiton, B. Hanczar, H. Tabia, D. Picard, V. Barriere.
- 22/10/20: H. Pujol, "Antennes microphoniques intelligentes : localisation de sources acoustiques par deep learning" (Examiner), with M. Melon, E. Vincent, A. Deleforge, L. Girin, R. Nicol, E. Bavu, A. Garcia.
- 19/10/20: R. Ratajczak , "Analyse d'images aériennes historiques : application à l'épidémiologie" (Reviewer), with S. Lefevre, F. Tupin, C. Mallet, C. Collet, L. Tougne, B. Fervers, C. Crispim, E. Faure.
- 08/07/2020: R. Cadène "Apprentissage multimodal profond pour le traitement de la vision et du langage" (co-supervisor), Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with J. Verbeek, V. Ferrari, Y. LeCun, P. Pérez, L. Soulier, M. Cord.
- 25/06/20: H. Ding, "Scene Parsing with Deep Neural Networks" (Reviewer), with H. Yang (Univ. Alberta), Y. K. Hui (NTU), J. Xudong (NTU).
- 12/06/20: M. Engilberge, "Deep Inside Visual-Semantic Embeddings" (Reviewer), with Y. Avrithis, D. Larlus, J. Ponce, P. Gallinari, P. Pérez, M. Cord, L. Chevallier
- 11/06/20: V. Tschannen, "Deep Learning for Seismic Data Processing & Interpretation" (Reviewer), with A. Ribodetti, E. Stutzmann, A. Rabaute, H. Chauris, M. Delescluse, N. J. Keuper, N. Ettrich
- 19/12/19: A. Pajot, "Incorporating Physical Knowlegde Into Deep Neural Network" (Examiner), with E. Mémin, F. Fleuret, E. Szekely, G. Biau, P. Gallinari
- 17/12/19: A. Dutt, "Continual learning for image classification" (Reviewer), with J. Benois-Pineau,
H. Le Borgne, M.H. Amini, D. Pellerin, G. Quénot
- 26/11/19: P.A. Ganaye, "A priori et Apprentissage Profond pour
la Segmentation en Imagerie Cérébrale" (Reviewer), with C. Petitjean, P.M. Jodoin, C. Garcia, M. Sdika, H. Benoit-Catin
- 25/11/19: N. Piasco, "Vision-based localization with discriminative features from heterogeneous visual data" (Reviewer), with V. Lepetit, J. Sivic, T. Sattler, C. Demonceaux, V. Gouet, D. Sidibé
- 31/10/19: T. Robert "Représentations latentes des réseaux convolutifs pour l'interprétation de données visuelles" (co-supervisor), Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with G. Mori, S. Canu, K. Alahari, D. Picard, M. Cord.
- 10/10/19: E. Mehr "Unsupervised representation learning for 3d shape modeling" (co-supervisor), Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with M. Ovsjanikov, M.P Cani, T. Boubekeur, K. Bailly, V. Guitteny, M. Cord.
- 10/09/19: X. Li, "Regularization Schemes for Transfer Learning with Convolutional Network" (Reviewer), with G. Gasso, E. Fromont, A. Rakotomamonjy, V. Cherfaoui, F. Davoine, Y. Grandvallet
- 24/06/19: C. Pinard, "Apprentissage robuste d'une carte de profondeur pour l'évitement d'obstacle dans le cas des drones" (Reviewer), with P. Pérez, Y. Gousseau, P. Monasse, L. Chevalley, A. Manzanera, D. Fillat
- 20/05/19: H. Ben-Younes "Apprentissage de représentation multi-modale et raisonnement visuel" (co-supervisor), Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with J. Verbeek, V. Ferrari, Y. LeCun, P. Péesrez, L. Soulier, M. Cord.
- 01/04/19: C. Adam, "Analyse des Séquences d'usage d'applications Médicales" (Examiner), with M. Clausel, T. Artières, F. Malliaros , C. Hudelot, A. Aliotti, P.H. Cournède
- 18/12/18: J. Huth, "Modelling Aging in the visual system
and The Convis Python Toolbox" (Examiner), with S. Thorpe, E. Ros, A. Wohrer, E. Klinger, B. Gas, T. Masquellier, A. Arleo
- 17/12/18: K. Blanc, "Description de contenu Vidéo : Mouvements et Élasticité Temporelle" (Reviewer), with M. Cord, B. Merialdo, F. Bremond, D. Lingrand, F. Precioso
- 12/12/18: R. Iguernaissi, "Counting and tracking people in a camera's network for behavioral analysis" (Reviewer), with M. Daoudi, S. Dubuissson, O. Ait-Aider, D. Merad, P. Drap
- 11/12/18: M. Carvalho "Deep representation spaces" (co-supervisor), Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with S. Lefevre, F. Precioso, E. Gaussier, H. Le Borgne, L. Soulier, M. Cord.
- 27/11/18: M. Bucher, "Apprentissage et exploitation de représentations sémantiques pour la classification et la recherche d'images" (Reviewer), with C. Hudelot, F. Precioso, S. Herbin, F. Jurie
- 20/11/18: T. Mordan "Apprentissage d'architectures profondes pour la détection et la reconnaissance de cibles" (co-supervisor), Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with F. Perronnin, J. Sivic, N. Neverova, A. Alahi, M. Cord.
- 19/11/18: M. Blot "Modélisation et apprentissage par architectures profondes en vision" (co-supervisor), Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with C. Wolf, A. Rakotomamonjy, E. Fromont, A. Bellet, L. Ralaivola, M. Cord.
- 12/11/18: R. Trullo, "Deep learning based approaches for the segmentation of Organs at Risk in Thoracic CT Scans" (Reviewer), with M. Hatt, L. Chen, C. Petitjean, S. Ran, B. Dubray
- 12/10/18: Y. Chen, "Person Re-identification in Images with
Deep Learning" (President), with F. Bremond, J. Benois-Pineau, C. Achard, J.Y. Dufour, S. Duffner, A. Baskurt
- 16/07/18: Q. Angermann, "real-time polype detection in videos" (Reviewer), with C. Petitjean, M. Paindavoine, D. Lingrand, O. Romain, A. Histache
- 27/02/18: A. Sors, "Deep Learning for EEG Analysis" (Reviewer), with M. Vanputten, A. Rosseti, L. Vercueil, J.F. Payen, S. Bonnet
- 12/12/17: D. Fourure, "Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation" (Reviewer) , with P. Perez, M. Keller, E. Fromont, R. Emonet, D. Muselet, C. Wolf, A. Tremeau.
- 04/12/17: S. Lopez, "Gaze-Based Image Classificationn" (Reviewer), with J. Benois-Pineau, E. Izquierdo, B. Merialdo, D. Lingrand, A. Revel , F. Precioso.
- 09/11/17: Y. Lu, "Transfer Learning for Image Classification" (Reviewer), with K. Mikolajczyk, N. Vincent, A. Habrard, A. Saidi, L. Chen.
- 03/10/17: J. Fellus "Distributed (Gossip) Machine Learning" (Examiner) , with F. Precioso, A. Rakotomamonjy, F. Bach, E. Dupraz, D. Picard, P.H. Gosselin.
- 30/09/17: X. Wang "Gaze weakly-supervised visual recognition: application to fooding" (co-supervisor) ,Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with P. Le Callet, P.H. Gosselin, C. Achard, C. Wang, F. Precioso, M. Cord.
- 20/09/17: T. Durand "Weakly supervised learning for visual recognition" (co-supervisor) , Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with P. Pérez, A. Rakotomamonjy, F. Bach, C. Schmid, V. Serfaty, M. Cord.
- 15/12/16: I. Leang , "On-line fusion of tracking algorithms" (Examiner), ISIR-Paris, with P. Pérez, D. Fillat, M. Rombault, B. Girard, J. Droulez
- 02/12/16: Marion Chevalier, "Détection et reconnaissance de cibles en imagerie optronique" (co-supervisor), Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with F. Brémond, P. Pérez, S. Canu, C. Achard, G. Hénaff, M. Cord.
- 17/11/16: S. Chan "Deep Dictionnary Learning" (Reviewer), GIPSA-Grenoble, with S. Canu, A. Baskurt, D. Pellerin, M. Rombault
- 08/07/16: O. Morere "Deep Learning for Instance retrieval" (President), UPMC/A*STAR, with J. Demongeot, G. Bloch, J. Demongeot, V. Ramaseshan Chandrasekha, D. Racoceanu
- 10/05/16: L. Zheng "Triangular Similarity Metric Learning" (Reviewer) , LIRIS, with W. Puech, B. Dorizzi, S. Marchand-Maillet, A. Baskurt, K. Idrissi, C. Garcia
- 08/04/16: N. Neverova "Deep Learning for Human Motion Analysis" (Examiner), LIRIS/Guelph, with C. Schmid, J.M. Odobez, F. Jurie, C. Wolf, G. Taylor
- 11/02/16: S. Berlemont"Deep Metric Learning" (Examiner), Orange Labs Grenoble, with M. Paindavoine, T. Chateau, D. Pellerin, S. Duffner, C. Garcia
- 30/06/15: C. Le Barz "Navigation visuelle pour les missions autonomes des petits drones" (co-supervisor), Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with F. Brémond, D. Fillat, M. Detyniecki, L. Denoyer, J.Y. Dufour, M. Cord.
- 20/01/15: M. Law "Metric learning for web page comparison" (co-supervisor), Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with P. Pérez, A. Rakotomamonjy, F. Bach, J. Ponce, F. Precioso, P. Gallinari, S. Gancarski , M. Cord.
- 15/07/13: M. Baccouche "Apprentissage neuronal de caractéristiques spatio-temporelles pour la classification automatique de séquences vidéos" (Examiner), Orange Labs Rennes/ Liris, with B. Dorizzi, J.M. Odobez, D. Pellerin, F. Mamallet, A. Baskurt, C. Wolf, C. Garcia
- 12/07/13: Hanlin Goh "Deep learning for visuel understanding" (co-supervisor), Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with P. Jurie, A. Rakotomamonjy, Y. Le Cun, P. Gallinari, J.H. Lim, M. Cord.
- 14/06/13: Sandra Avila "Extended bag of visual words for image analysis" (co-supervisor), Sorbonne Université / LIP6, with F. Perronnin, M. Campos, P. Pérez, C. Schmid, P. Gallinari, A. de Albuquerque, M. Cord.
- 19/03/12: R. Minetto "Text Detection adn 2d/3d object tracking" (co-supervisor), Sorbonne Université / LIP6,
with P. Pérez, M. Detyniecki, A. de Albuquerque, J. Stolfi, N. Leite, H. Pedrini, M. Cord.
HdR Committees
- 10/06/24: R. Sicre, "Image representations for visual recognition: Adaptive, discriminative, efficient and interpretable representations" (Reviewer).
- 15/04/24: C. Crispim, "Multimodal Computer Vision: exploiting domain knowledge for visual data generation and understanding" (Reviewer).
- 17/10/24: N. Perrin, "Ingredients for Motion Planning-powered Reinforcement Learning" (President), with A. Faust, N. Mansard, J.J. Steil, M. Geist.
- 23/04/24: A. Popescu, "Toward multimedia content understanding with limited data for trustworthy AI" (Reviewer), with D. Gatica-Perez, D. Filliat, F. Preteux, F. Sais, C. Hudelot.
- 19/12/23: N. Duchateau, "Atlas statistiques et apprentissage de représentations pour la caractérisation cardiaque" (Reviewer), with C. Desrosiers, F. Meriaudeau, N. Kachenoura, S. Canu, R. Chaine, P. Clarysse.
- 16/06/23: N.S. Vu, "From expert to learner for visual recognition" (Reviewer),
with C. Ballester, V. Gouet-Brunet, C. Achard, C. Demonceaux, L. Chen, D. Vodislav, A. Histache.
- 04/07/22: T. Lampert, "Sustainability in Artificial Intelligence: Recycling Data and Reducing Model Waste" (Reviewer), with S. Lefèvre, M. Sebag, C. Wemmert, A. Cornuéjols, N. Padoy, P. Gancarski.
- 24/05/22: C. Kurtz, "La représentation des images : de la description a l'interprétation" (President),
with C. Garcia, V. Gouet, H. Muller, I. Bloch, N. Passat, L. Wending, N. Vincent.
- 25/01/22: R. De Charette, "Vision for scene understanding" (Reviewer),
with V. Lepetit, D. Filliat, G. Scurzca, J. Sivic, M. Cord, F. Nashashibi.
- 01/10/21: S. Ayache, "Contributions to transfer learning" (Reviewer),
with E. Gaussier, F. Precioso, C. Capponi, T. Artieres.
- 11/12/20: R. Hérault, "Machine learning for high-dimension and structured problems" (Reviewer),
with M. Biehl, F. D'Alché-Buc, J. Lee, T. Artieres, S. Canu, G. Gasso, A. Adam, L. Seifart.
- 04/12/20: R. Tavenard, "Machine learning for time series" (Reviewer),
with P. Panagiotis, F. D'Alché-Buc, H. Jégou, E. Fromont, T. Corpetti.
- 23/09/20: S. Lamprier, "Apprentissage et Inférence Structurelle pour l'Extraction de Dynamiques de l'Information" (Examiner), with S. Wang, P. Preux, O. Pietquin, E. Gaussier, P. Gallinari.
- 06/12/19: R. Péteri, "Contributions à l'analyse et la reconnaissance du mouvement dans des vidéos" (Reviewer), with Y. Berthoumieu, G. Quénot, M. Haindl, C. Choquet, J. Benois-Pineau.
- 02/12/19: S. Bonnet, "Contributions expérimentales et théoriques en ingénierie biomédicale" (Reviewer),
with T. Papadopoulo, F. Wallois, C. Jutten, G. Carault, D. Vray.
- 05/04/19: S. Duffner, "Tracking and metric learning" (Reviewer),
with F. Bremond, M. Paindavoine, J.M. Odobez, C. Lartizien, M.S. Hacid, C. Garcia.